“Clients will receive everything from a single hand.”
- analysis of the actual state of construction and machinery & technological devices;
- proposed solutions for re-construction, repairs and maintenance, including costs optimisation;
- execution of reconstruction works, maintenance and guarantee;
- warranty and post-warranty services
- Organisation of technical workshops and operators training;
- long-term monitoring of quality criteria of executed works with the assessment of clients’ satisfaction with projects and orders.
Fundamental principles of IMS Policy:
- We understand steady improvement and making more the management more efficient as the basis for more quality products and services, higher Company’s performance and customers’ and other stakeholders’ satisfaction.
- We have made a pledge to meet relevant legal and other regulations that govern quality and environmental protection as well as human health and safety at work.
- We adopt measures to manage risks and opportunities, we prefer preventing environmental contamination and employees’ and other persons’ health impairment.
- On the other had, we request professional attitude, engagement and dutifulness from our employees when they discharge their both working obligations and those of the integrated system.
- We support increasing of environmental performance with priorities given to the adoption such measures that minimise adverse environmental impacts.
- We improve working conditions, we protect employees and their working environment and we set aims to increase performance and to enhance integrated system management.
- We effectively manage all external providers in order to meet the requirements set for products and services.
This policy is binding for all employees of Chestreal Progress, a.s. Company and it has been introduced and notified also to other stakeholders.