Since 2003, supply of filters and filtration installations to more than 1090 businesses in the domains of automotive, pharmaceutical, food-processing, printing, electronic, chemical and machinery industries as well as to hospital, where we have more than 30 % share on the market with further growth tendency.
The most important constructions and supplies:
Since 2003 henceforth
JAVYS, a.s., NPS Jaslovské Bohunice, NPS Mochovce, NPS Dukovany (Czechia)
Supplies of highly efficient HEPA filters and filtration units for HVAC systems, incusing specific solutions that serve for the following:
– handling with spent nuclear fuel;
– operation, maintenance and outphasing of nuclear installations;
– handling with and transportation of radioactive waste.
2003 – 2006:
NPS Jaslovské Bohunice, Units 3 a 4
Reconstruction and supply of HVC systems for the primary circuit TL70, TL12 and TL71
NPS Jaslovské Bohunice V1
Supply of a mobile filtration installation intended to capture radioactive iodine and aerosols
NPS Jaslovské Bohunice V1, V2 and NPS Mochovce
Reconstruction of feeding HVAC units
Supply of a mobile filtration installation intended to capture radioactive aerosols with continual monitoring of absorbed doses and the clogging of filters.
2009 – 2019:
NPS A1 Jaslovské Bohunice
Supply of mobile filtration units for the gradual outphasing of a failed and shut down block.
2009 – 2012:
NPS Dukovany (Czechia) ‒ Units 1 through 4
Reconstruction and supply of HVC systems for the primary circuit TL70, TL12 and TL70, TL73 and TL90
NPS Metsamor (Armenia): Unit 2
Supply o 2 pcs of HVAC systems of FKKC Type intended for cases of failure.
2011 – 2018: NPS Jaslovské Bohunice, Block 3 a Block 4
Supply and installation of HVAC systems for the completion of the primary circuit KLC70, KLA12 and KLC71, KLC73 and KLE90.
A1, V1 Jaslovské Bohunice
Supply of regeneration CAMFIL APC Gold Series GS 24 a GS 32 filters ‒ intended for filtration tasks I course of the superheater outphasing and the remelting of metallic radioactive waste.
NPS A1 Jaslovské Bohunice
Supply of 8 pcs of mobile filtration units for the gradual outphasing of a failed and shut down block.